The Genesee Joint School District #282 provides a hiring preference for qualified veterans and their spouses for all positions except "key employees." For further information about this or any other employment information, contact Melissa Lindquist, District Clerk.
Please see the Genesee School District Board Policy Site for additional hiring procedures and policies.
- Certified Personnel - Equal Employment Opportunity
- Certified Personnel - Hiring Process and Criteria
- Certified Personnel - Application Process
- Non-Certified Personnel - Equal Employment Opportunity
- Non-Certified Personnel - Employment Procedures
- Authorization to Release Information of Past Employment (Idaho Code 33-1210)
- Veterans' Preference Form VP-1
*Criminal Background Check Materials are required for all positions and are available at the District Office.
Certified Openings & Forms
- Certified Teacher Application Form
- Application Letter
- 2024-2025 Certificated Salary Schedule
- Definition of a Highly Qualified Teacher under NCLB
The District has the following Certified openings for the 24-25 School Year:
None at this time, please check back.
Classified Openings & Forms
The District has the following Classified openings for the 24-25 School Year:
.5 Paraprofessional (8:00 - 12:00)
Asst. Girls Basketball Coach
Asst. Softball Coach
Head Jr. High Girls Basketball Coach
Asst. JR Girls Basketball Coach
Asst. Baseball Coach
* All coaching positions are open until filled. Please contact Kelly Caldwell for more information or to submit your letter of interest. Email: kcaldwell@sd282.org or 208-285-1162.
Activities & Athletics Openings and Forms
The District has the following openings in Activities & Athletics for the 23-24 School Year:
None at this time, please check back.
Substitutes / Volunteers
Substitute teachers are hired on an Open Roster basis $100/day Certificated Sub, $12.50/hr Classified Sub
Nondiscrimination Statements