The Genesee Technology Department implements and supports a variety of tools, strategies, and best practices in order to provide accessible, reliable, and easy to use technology for all students and staff.
2021-22 Accomplishments
E-Rate Category 1 and 2
The Genesee Joint School District Technology Department completed the following actions with the Universal Service Administrative Co. (USAC) for FY 2021-22:
Category 1
- Filed Form 471 and Form 486 for year two of a three-year contract for 500MB Fiber Internet Services with Ziply Fiber.
Category 2
- Replaced old infrastructure switches with new Juniper EX-4300 series switches and filed Form 486 for product acquisition from Bytespeed, Inc.
- Submitted RFP for Managed Internal Broadband Services (MIBs) for wired/wireless network monitoring and awarded the contract to Wyebot, inc. Filed Form 471 for product acquisition.
Emergency Connectivity Fund
- Submitted Form 471 and Form 474 (BEAR) for $400/device reimbursement for three staff growth laptops.
- Submitted Form 471 and Form 474 for $300/device reimbursement for twenty Grades K-2 iPads.
- Submitted Form 471 for $400/device reimbursement for 48 replacement Junior High laptops.
- Submitted Form 471 for $400/device reimbursement for 88 replacement High School laptops.
Web Filtering
The Genesee Joint School District Technology Department replaced the old web filtering solution provided by Sophos with a new onsite/offsite web filtering solution AristotleK12 from Sergeant Laboratories, Inc.
New Secondary Student Devices
The Genesee Joint School District Technology Department purchased and acquired new Windows 10 laptops to replace the aging fleet of Acer laptops. Grades 9-12 will be getting Lenovo ThinkBook 14s Yoga 2-in-1 touch laptops and grades 7-8 will be getting Lenovo 500w Gen 3 11" 2-in-1 laptops. Devices will be pre-loaded during the summer with the intention of distributing them to students the first week of school.
2022-23 Goals
E-Rate Category 2
- Complete the installation and configuration of our new Juniper Switches. (Completed October, 2022)
- Complete the installation and configuration of our new Wyebot "Wireless Intelligence Platform™" sensors. (Completed August, 2022)
Phone System Upgrade
- Replace existing legacy phone system, including fire alarm monitoring and elevator emergency services, with a new VoIP (ENA SmartVoice) and POTS emulator (Granite EPIK) system.