Phone: 208-285-1161 ext. 4201


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education- LCSC (K-8) Masters of Curriculum and Instruction Adolescent Literacy - Concordia University K-12 Library Science/ Media Specialist Certification- U of I

Mrs. Heath

Welcome to the Genesee School Library!  My name is Cassie Heath.  I live in the area with my husband and two boys, who are also part of the Bulldog community.  I love reading, writing, being outdoors, sports, and hanging out with my family.  I have lived in the pacific northwest my entire life and love it here!  I am so proud to say that I get to be a part of this amazing community and school.

I'm the K-12 Teacher Librarian at Genesee School. I have taught preschool, Title 1 reading, ELA, and library in the years that I have been here. I love being in the library and serving students in grades PreK-12th. Often, you will find secondary students taking an IDLA online course in the library. We also host storytime for grades PreK-3 throughout the school year in the library.

Over the years, the Genesee library has been fortunate enough to receive many grants to help provide a robust selection for our students to choose from.  We are grateful for these additional funds as we continue to update our book collections and technology. The library strives to follow the school district mission statement, "providing all students with academic and life skills, enabling them to become lifelong learners and responsible, productive citizens of our ever-changing community and the world."


  • Mission of the Genesee School Library:

    The school library provides information and ideas that are fundamental to function successfully in today's information and knowledge-based society. We encourage users to become critical thinkers and effective users of information in all formats and media. Our library helps equip students with life-long learning skills, develop imagination, as well as enabling them to live as responsible citizens.


    Library Policies and Usage:

    Students have access to library media as well as technology, according to our Accepted Use Policies (Elementary & Secondary). Elementary students may visit the library during open hours with their class, or individually using a classroom pass. Students are encouraged to use the library for research, or to support / supplement regular class instruction.  Secondary students may also use the library during open hours. All users must be respectful of other classes such as IDLA (online learners), Elementary story/activity time, or other scheduled events. 

    The library is open daily for student/staff use from 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Elementary and Secondary students may check materials out for 14 days. You may renew your book through Lumen for an additional 14 days, or see the librarian.  Students are financially responsible for any books or materials which are lost or damaged.