Expectations for Math 7
- Be Positive
- Respect yourself, people, and this place
- Do the right thing
- Be responsible for your actions and your learning
- Always do your best
In 7th Grade Math we will be learning 7th Grade Math Common Core skills to help the students be successful in their future math classes. Topics include: Number and Operations, Expressions, Equations & Inequalities, Ratio & Proportions, Percents, Statistics & Probability, Drawing Geometric Figures, 2D Geometry, and 3D Geometry.
In 7th Grade Math this year we will work to solve problems incorporating the following “Mathematical Practices”:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
In order to be successful in 7th Grade Math students must:
LATE WORK will be accepted at 50% (Work for each unit will only be accepted until the unit Test is Given)
Complete their own work.
Take quality notes and review notes when necessary.
Ask questions when necessary.
Take responsibility for their learning.
Students will need to provide a 1-Inch 3 ring binder, Notebook, a Red Pen, Pencils, and Paper.
Notes and assignments will be available on the student computers. (hard copies may be given to the student)
Inappropriate use of laptops (games/YouTube etc.) will result in immediate loss of laptop.
In the event we are in some form of remote learning, online attendance will be mandatory.
Expectations for Geometry
- Be Positive
- Respect yourself, people, and this place
- Do the right thing
- Be responsible for your actions and your learning
- Always do your best
In Geometry we will be emphasizing the major topics of the broad concepts of geometry which will include “Points, Lines and Planes”; “Angles”; “Parallel Lines”; “Triangles”; “Similar Triangles and Trigonometry”; “Congruent Triangles”; “Circles”; “Analytic Geometry”; “Transformations”; “Quadrilaterals”; “Area of Figures”; “3D Geometry”; and “Probability”. This will prepare you for Algebra 2. We will work to solve problems incorporating the following “Mathematical Practices”:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
In order to be successful in Geometry students must:
Complete all assignments, quizzes and Tests. Assignments will be worth 5 Points each, Quiz point values will vary, Tests worth 100 Points IXL WILL BE USED WHEN WORK IS FINISHED - BI-WEEKLY POINTS WILL BE AWARDED FOR IXL.
LATE WORK will be accepted at 50% (Work for each unit/chapter will only be accepted until the unit/chapter Test is Given)
Complete their own work.
Take quality notes and review notes when necessary.
Ask questions when necessary.
Take responsibility for their learning.
Students will need to provide a Notebook, Pencils, and Paper.
Notes and assignments will be available on the student computers.
Inappropriate use of laptops (games/YouTube etc.) will result in immediate loss of laptop.
In the event we are in some form of remote learning, online attendance will be mandatory.
PRE-ALGEBRA (8th Grade)
pectations for JH Pre-Algebra
- Be Positive
- Respect yourself, people, and this place
- Do the right thing
- Be responsible for your actions and your learning
- Always do your best
In 8th Grade Math we will be learning Pre-Algebra skills to help students be successful in Algebra and other future math classes. Topics include: Number and Operation, Scientific Notation, Solving Equations, Real Numbers, Pythagorean Theorem, Distance & Midpoint, Graphing Linear Equations, Systems of Linear Equations, 2D Geometry, Functions, Modeling Relationships, Data, and 3D Geometry
In 8th Grade Math this year we will work to solve problems incorporating the following “Mathematical Practices”:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
In order to be successful in 8th Grade Math/Pre-Algebra students must:
LATE WORK will be accepted at 50% (Work for each unit will only be accepted until the unit Test is Given)
Complete their own work.
Take quality notes and review notes when necessary.
Ask questions when necessary.
Take responsibility for their learning.
Students will need to provide a 1-Inch 3 ring binder, Notebook, a Red Pen, Pencils, and Paper.
Notes and assignments will be available on the student computers. (hard copies may be given to the student)
Inappropriate use of laptops (games/YouTube etc.) will result in immediate loss of laptop.
In the event we are in some form of remote learning, online attendance will be mandatory.
MATH 103
Expectations for Math 103 (Senior Math)
- Be Positive
- Respect yourself, people, and this place
- Do the right thing
- Be responsible for your actions and your learning
- Always do your best
Math 103 is designed to help students learn and master the arithmetic skills that they will need to work in business and industry. It will prepare the student who is going to be taking core level mathematics with an understanding of algebra and geometry. We will cover The Real Number System, Algebraic Concepts and Operations, Geometry, Functions and Graphs, Introduction to Trigonometry, Systems of Linear Equations, Factoring and Algebraic Fractions, Fractional Equations and Exponents and Radicals. 2D Geometry, Probability and Statistics, and a Banzai Unit
This year we will work to solve problems incorporating the following “Mathematical Practices”:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Model with mathematics.
- Use appropriate tools strategically.
- Attend to precision.
- Look for and make use of structure.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
In order to be successful in Math 103 students must:
- Complete all assignments, quizzes and Tests.
- LATE WORK will be accepted at 50% (Work for each unit/chapter will only be accepted until the unit/chapter Test is Given)
- Complete their own work.
- Take quality notes and review notes when necessary.
- Ask questions when necessary.
- Take responsibility for their learning.
- Students will need to provide a Notebook, Pencils, and Paper.
- Inappropriate use of laptops (games/YouTube etc.) will result in immediate loss of laptop.
- In the event we are in some form of remote learning, (Orange or Red) the expectation is that you will attend all online Math103 class meetings (Zoom, etc….).
Expectations for Fitness
- Be Positive
- Respect yourself, people, and this place
- Do the right thing
- Be responsible for your actions and your learning
- Always do your best
Fitness is an activity based class. Credit is earned by fully participating in all activities.
If a student is unable to participate, a note must be provided by the parent. If they are unable to participate for more than one day a physician’s note or a phone call from the parent is required. The note must list limitations as well as the activities that are acceptable.
Grading is based on 5 daily points for full participation in all activities. Points will be deducted for the following:
- Absent (-5)
- The first 2 absences are excused as “sick days”
- School planned field trips are excused
- Tardy (-1)
- Not dressed for activity (-5)
- Inappropriate language (-1 per infraction)
- Insubordination (-1 per infraction)
- Choosing not to participate at the appropriate level (-1 to 5 points) students may be required to wear a FITstep Pedometer to calculate daily points.
Students are expected to dress down each day for activity. Students should have clothes specifically for class and should not be the same clothes they wear to school. They should also have clean gym shoes that are only to be worn in the gym and the weight room. In the event we are in some form of remote learning, (Orange or Red) the expectation is that you will attend all online Fitness Math class meetings (Zoom, etc….). You will also be expected to complete weekly fitness logs as requested if classes are held online.