• What is Title I?

    Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary, middle, and high schools. Through Title I, the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country. Genesee School District uses its Title I money for extra educational services for children who are behind in school.

    Title I is based on three important ideas:

    1. All students should work toward the same high standards.
      Title I’s job is to provide help to students who need it to make sure they reach the same standards as everyone else in their school or district. (Standards describe what students should know and be able to do at each grade level.)
    2. Local districts, schools, and parents know best what their students need to succeed.
      Title I allows them to decide how to use Title I money to help students who are behind.
    3. Parents are partners in helping all students achieve.
      Parents have the right to be involved in the design and operation of their school’s Title I program. At the same time, parents have the responsibility to help their children succeed in school.


    Which students can get Title I help?

    Title I programs are for the children who need help the most. In Genesee, our goal is to provide academic help to any child who needs it. However, students with the greatest need receive priority when services are limited. A prioritized list is developed annually and students are ranked based on assessment performance, financial need, disabilities, and homelessness.

    Genesee Title I Parent Involvement Policy

    All Title I schools must have in place a plan for how it will involve parents. Please visit the link for Genesee’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy.

    Genesee Title I Compact

    The Title I compact is a written statement of what the school and parents will do to help students achieve.


    If my child is in Title I, how can I help

    • Find out what your child is supposed to learn to meet the standards for his or her grade level
    • Find out what your child is being taught
    • Find out how the Title I program is helping your child meet the standards
    • Keep in close touch with your child’s teacher
    • Make sure your child does his or her homework
    • Attend parent-teacher conferences
    • Talk with your child about school
    • Become a school volunteer
    • Join the Genesee Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)

Title I Staff

  • Wendy Moore, Superintendent 

    Heather Kirk, K-6 Elementary Principal

    Cassie Heath, Title I Teacher

Printable Brochure

Meeting Minutes

Math Resources