Genesee School District Bulletin

  • Bulletin 9/16/24-9/20/24

    Posted by Amanda Evans on 9/16/2024

    District Wide News:



    Drop off information- We do allow parents to drive through the playground area for drop off before 8:00. Please travel from east to west, Tamarack to Elm. Please be patient and do not pass other cars or school buses in this area. If you need to park or spend more time with your student please do not park in the playground area. The gates will shut at 8:00.



    School pictures and sports photos can be ordered online any time of the year at




    Tuesday, Sept 17th @ 6:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room - Show and Try for incoming 5th grade band students.  A few student volunteers are needed that night to help set up and answer parent questions.  Students please let me know if you can help 


    Activity Period Meeting Times:


    Monday (9:40-9:55)- Open

    Tuesday (10:40-10:55)- Open

    Wednesday (1:05-1:20)- Open

    Thursday (2:05-2:20)- Open

    Friday (3:05-3:15)- Open


    JR High and High School Weekly Sports Schedule:



    Tuesday September 17: V/JV vs. St. John Bosco at Home. Games start at 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm


    Thursday September 19: JH Football at Logos School. Game starts at 5:30 pm. V/JV Volleyball vs. Timberline High school at Timberline. Games start at 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm


    Friday September 20: V Football vs. Lewis County at Home. Game starts at 7:00 pm



    Saturday September 21: XC vs. Les MacDowell at LCSC Course

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  • Bulletin 9/9/24-9/13/24

    Posted by Amanda Evans on 9/9/2024

    District Wide News:



    No school Thursday 9/12 and Friday 9/13


    *Students who will being missing school Wednesday for weigh in are encouraged to pick up a pre-arranged absence form from the office.


    School Board Meeting September 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm


    Drop off information- We do allow parents to drive through the playground area for drop off before 8:00. Please travel from east to west, Tamarack to Elm. Please be patient and do not pass other cars or school buses in this area. If you need to park or spend more time with your student please do not park in the playground area. The gates will shut at 8:00.



    School pictures and sports photos can be ordered online any time of the year at



    Activity Period Meeting Times:


    Monday (9:40-9:55)- Open

    Tuesday (10:40-10:55)- Open

    Wednesday (1:05-1:20)- Open

    Thursday (2:05-2:20)- Open

    Friday (3:05-3:15)- Open

    Elementary School Updates:

    Genesee's 3/4/5/6th Grade students have been invited to attend a music performance sponsored by Festival Dance of Idaho this Wednesday. Field Trip for 3-6th Grade students this Wed @ 11:55-2:05 pm, please return permission slips to Mrs. Smith by the end of Monday 9/9/24.



    JR High and High School Updates:

    IDLA classes officially start today, Monday, September 9th.



    JR High and High School Weekly Sports Schedule:



    Monday September 9: JV Football vs Troy High School at Home. Game starts at 6:00 pm


    Tuesday September 10: V/JV vs. Nezperce High School at Nezperce Games start at  6:00 pm and 7:30 pm


    Wednesday September 10: XC Seaport Invite at Clarkston High School. Meet starts at 5:00 pm

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  • Step Up For Down Syndrome Walk

    Posted by Amanda Evans on 9/9/2024

    GENESEE COMMUNITY STEP UP FOR DOWN SYNDROME WALK! SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH 12:30 Gather down at the football field parking lot 1:00 p.m. We will start the walk!! Don’t forget to wear blue and yellow for Down Syndrome! Come support “Team Nevaeh” and Down Syndrome Connections Northwest, a truly remarkable non-profit organization supporting individuals with Down Syndrome.

    Registration Process: 1. Go to FlipCause and click on Register Today.

    2. Select either Adult Registration or Youth Registration and continue. Ignore the dates and prices.

     3. Enter all of your contact info and continue.

    4. Complete info on next screen, and select t-shirt (even if you aren’t getting one) and continue

    5. On the Review screen, select “HAVE A PROMO CODE” and enter one of the following

     6. The correct price should now be applied and you can finish the registration process. Even though it will say you are registering for the Spokane Walk, you will be signed up for the Genesee Walk. Deadline for Registration with a shirt is September 13.


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  • Box Tops

    Posted by Carly Stutzman on 9/5/2024


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  • Bulletin 9/03/24-9/6/24

    Posted by Amanda Evans on 9/3/2024

    District Wide News:


    Families should  have received a blue sheet that will provide the district with consent for minor treatment of injuries or care. This is a new legislative requirement that we are required to follow. We are asking for one sheet per family to be returned. Please list all your children and grades on one sheet and return it. If we do not receive the form back, we will have to receive your verbal consent via phone whenever your child needs care (even as small as needing Band-Aids or ice-packs). 


    School pictures will be September 5th. Please send packets back with your students if you do not order online.



    School pictures and sports photos can be ordered online any time of the year at



    Drop off information- We do allow parents to drive through the playground area for drop off before 8:00. Please travel from east to west, Tamarack to Elm. Please be patient and do not pass other cars or school buses in this area. If you need to park or spend more time with your student please do not park in the playground area. The gates will shut at 8:00.




    No school Thursday 9/12 and Friday 9/13



    Activity Period Meeting Times:


    Monday (9:40-9:55)- Open

    Tuesday (10:40-10:55)- Open

    Wednesday (1:05-1:20)- Open

    Thursday (2:05-2:20)- Open

    Friday (3:05-3:15)- Open



    JR High and High School Weekly Sports Schedule:



    Wednesday September 4: Cross country at Moose Creek Reservoir at 4:45 pm



    Thursday September 5: JH Football vs Kendrick at Home 5:30pm. JV and V Volleyball vs Highland High School at home. Game starts at 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm


    Friday September 6: Varsity Football vs Troy High School at Troy. Game starts at 7:00 pm.


    Saturday September 7: V Volleyball tournament at Lewiston. Games start at 8:00 am. JV Volleyball Tournament at Home. Game starts at 8:00 am.


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